September 21

9/11 Reflections

 I heard about 9/11 and I got scared.I hope that never happens happens to us but we never know who is out there.When I saw a video I was like wow.I told myself that I would never get on a plain again.I hope that there is no terrorist out in the world I would hate to live through that.

The Twin Towers Waterfall




September 12

The Big Pumpkin Patch

The red barn with flowers sat in the field of orange pumpkins.Some pumpkins have sturdy stems,and some are round.The oval shaped pumpkins sit under the cloudy sky.The grass is full of different shaped pumpkins.The vines drop the pumpkins steadliy when they are ripe.

September 7

Life in 5th Grade

Life in 5th Grade is going really good so far my favorite  class is Mrs.Mcfalls class .I love mMrs.Brantley’s class to, well that is also because she is a really good math teacher .Mrs.Owens class is fun I have never been a big fan of reading class but I really enjoy it know because she makes it some much better.Mr.McBrides class is really fun also you get observe thing and study them for a really long time so if you like to study than he is the one you go to.Okay I have saved the best teacher for last Mrs.Ummel is another math teacher but she teaches some different kind of math she plays allot of games with math!