January 25

MLK Service Day

on monday  I was at the hospital for my aunt waiting on my cousin to be born.I helped get ice chips for her and getting her napkins.I didn’t really get to do much because she didn’t need much.It should be a day on because even though it is celebrated all over there is no need to not do anything.Even in your spare time when your not doing anything you can still help around the house or go help somebody you know.But the reason he is so important to me and everyone else is because he did what he did and never earned a penny a dollar or anything.I am very thankful to have a men like him come and speak to almost the whole world along time ago.The world wouldn’t be how it is today if it wasn’t for him.I am glad that we can drink out of the same water fountain and everybody gets treated the same way.I am very glad that he was a person that we got to learn about and celebrate the third monday of January.