March 27

Darci Lynne

Darci Lynne was born october 12, 2004. She is 14 years old.we are similar because we both have blonde hair and a pretty smile.I look alot like Darci Lynne , she isn’t  rich she is middle class.She won America’s Got Talent.She tells everyone she believes in them and that they can do it.She said that is why she can do everything that she did.She helps kids learn ventriloquism.The cool thing about her is she can talk with her mouth closed.The thing about her that is awesome is that when she is teaching someone to talk  without moving their lips closed she encourages them and tells them not to give up and i encourage people when they feel they cant do something.I think her best friend would say she is a wonderful friend because she certainly is a good person in real life.I learned that when Darci Lynne was little she was afraid of being on the stage until her family encouraged her to go do what she loves.

Darci Lynne Farmer
Credit: Darci Lynne Farmer/Instagram