March 28

Dueling Mandates in Yellowstone

Yellowstone National Park have these companies that come to geyser basin to collect samples of unusual microfiber life.Yellowstone did a DNA fingerprinting processes and earned hundreds of millions of dollars.In 1997 Yellowstone benefit sharing agreement ensuring a portion of future profits.I think that allowing researchers to collect bacteria from the park.One of the good thing about collecting bacteria is when they to scan the finger you get less bacteria for a better 1999 a legal challenge put a hold on implementing the agreement until an environmental assessment  is completed.long standing laws and regulations instruct parks to allows research as long as it does not do no harm to the ecosystem.Managers don’t allow commercial use of specimens, removal of microbes  beyond tiny samples required for that would mean that  the park would not be allowed to spend anymore money on the park because the agreement went down the hill. The park will remain the same even if they would add something it would be very small because they don’t have any money. If they would have not made the agreement then they would be just fine.If you go to the national park you will find some very interesting stuff so i would advise you to go to the park because it is very fun. When you go look at all the features and all the wildlife. There is a very good amount of wildlife that can stay alive instead of in your backyard.If you ever go there be sure to look at the wildlife because it is pretty amazing how wildlife can sty alive and not only that but be so beautiful.


Yellowstone gets better test results,

less bacteria for a better (cleaner)print

make land cleaner in some ways


messes up our ecosystem to were we wont long lasting plants or animals.

increases the cost of the park to pay researchers to even come collect a little tiny amount of bacteria.

making new laws to were we can’t collect bacteria any more and then the plants will die and so will the animals because some of the bacteria is good bacteria but on the other hand there is allot of bad bacteria.